================================= Notifications to Telegram Group ================================= In this example we make a bot, that will send notifications to telegram group on new issues. You can slightly change the script to use other type of events. Telegram Bot ============ * In telegram client open `BotFather `__ * Send /newbot command to create a new bot * Follow instruction to set bot name and get bot token * Keep your token secure and store safely, it can be used by anyone to control your bot Telegram Group ============== Add created bot to the group, where it will send notifications You will need Group ID. To get one, temporarly add `Get My ID `__ bot to the group. Secrets ======= Add following `secrets `__ * ``TELEGRAM_TOKEN`` -- bot token * ``TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID`` -- Group ID. Normally, it's negative integer Github Actions ============== Create ``.github/workflows/main.yml`` file (you can also use ``[Set up a workflow yourself]`` button at ``Actions`` tab of the repository page) .. code-block:: yaml name: Telegram Notifications on: issues: types: [opened, reopened, deleted, closed] jobs: notify: runs-on: ubuntu-latest steps: - name: Send notifications to Telegram run: curl -s -X POST https://api.telegram.org/bot${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_TOKEN }}/sendMessage -d chat_id=${{ secrets.TELEGRAM_CHAT_ID }} -d text="${MESSAGE}" >> /dev/null env: MESSAGE: "Issue ${{ github.event.action }}: \n${{ github.event.issue.html_url }}" Try it out ========== * Create new issue * RESULT: bot sends a notification