================================== Creating Pull Requests in batch ================================== Prerequisites ============= * Add a SSH key to your GitHub account. See: https://help.github.com/en/articles/adding-a-new-ssh-key-to-your-github-account * Install hub. Look this: https://github.com/github/hub#installation Script ====== Make a script ``make-prs.sh`` with following content .. code-block:: bash #!/bin/bash # ORGANIZATION GITHUB URL ORG=itpp-labs UPSTREAM_URL_GIT=https://github.com/$ORG # DEVELOPER INFO USERNAME=yelizariev # WHERE TO CLONE DIRECTORY_CLONE=$(pwd) # DESCRIPTION OF THE UPDATES MSG=":shield: travis.yml notifications webhook travis" BRANCH_SUFFIX=travis-notifications REPOS=( misc-addons pos-addons access-addons mail-addons website-addons sync-addons ) BRANCHES=( 10.0 11.0 12.0 ) for REPO in "${REPOS[@]}"; do if [ ! -d $DIRECTORY_CLONE/$REPO ] then git clone $UPSTREAM_URL_GIT/$REPO.git $DIRECTORY_CLONE/$REPO cd $DIRECTORY_CLONE/$REPO git remote rename origin upstream git remote add origin git@github.com:$USERNAME/$REPO.git fi cd $DIRECTORY_CLONE/$REPO for BRANCH in "${BRANCHES[@]}"; do git fetch upstream $BRANCH git checkout -b $BRANCH-$BRANCH_SUFFIX upstream/$BRANCH # CHECK THAT UPDATES ARE NOT DONE YET if grep -qx ' on_failure: change' .travis.yml then echo "File are already updated in $REPO#$BRANCH" else # MAKE UPDATE { echo ' webhooks:'; echo ' on_failure: change'; echo ' urls:'; echo ' - "https://ci.it-projects.info/travis/on_failure/change"';} >> ./.travis.yml fi git commit -a -m "$MSG" git push origin $BRANCH-$BRANCH_SUFFIX hub pull-request -b $ORG:$BRANCH -m "$MSG" done done Update script according to you needs Run it with ``bash make-prs.sh``