Paypal testing ============== To test paypal payments you need to: * Create developer account * Add seller and buyer in developer sandbox * Configure odoo * Directly testing Create developer account ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Go to and create new account. Add seller and buyer ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Go to **Dashboard->Sand box->Accounts**. Create business (seller) and personal (buyer) accounts. It's recommended to don't use non-ascii symbols in account information (address, name etc.) * Add some money to buyer (type amount in according field). * Go to and login as seller. May be you will be forced to apply unconfirmed ssl certificate. * Follow odoo docs: Configure odoo ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ * Install **payment_paypal** module * Go to **Settings->Payments->Payments->Paypal**. * Pres **Edit**. * Enter here **Paypal Email ID** - it is *seller* account. * Follow odoo docs: Directly testing ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ Open web shop. Buy some goods and pay with paypal. When you will be redirected on paypal page use *buyer* login and password.