================== Python Autotests ================== **To add tests you need:** * Create folder named **tests** * Add ``__init__.py`` file * Create a file whose name starts with **test_** (put corresponding import to ``__init__.py`` file from the previous step) * Add new Class based on one of :doc:`test cases <../../unittests/python/unittest>` * Add test methods whose names start with **test_** .. warning:: you shall NOT import ``tests`` in module folder, i.e. do NOT add ``from . import tests`` to main ``__init__.py`` file **Example**:: from odoo.tests.common import TransactionCase class TestMessage(TransactionCase): at_install = True post_install = True def test_count(self): expected_value = self.do_something() actual_value = self.get_value() self.assertEqual(expected_value, actual_value) def do_something(self): ... **Documentation:** .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 3 test-enable unittest at_install-post_install