================== How to run tests ================== Use following parameters when you start odoo: * ``--test-enable`` * ``-d $DB_CONTAINER`` * ``-i $MODULE`` * ``--workers=0`` js tests ======== To run tests with phantomjs tests you also need: * `Install phantomjs `_ or use dockers (see below) * use ``--db-filter=.*`` .. TODO: Why? .. * werkzeug must be 0.11.5 or higher Docker users ============ You don't need to remove docker container to run test. You can run it in a separate container * don't worry about name for new container -- just use ``--rm`` arg * No need to expose ports So, to run tests with docker: * use an odoo database which has required modules installed (otherwise it will test all dependencies too) * OPTIONAL: stop main odoo container, but keep db container * run new container, e.g.:: docker run --rm --link $DB_CONTAINER:db \ -v /something/at/host:/something/at/container \ itprojectsllc/install-odoo:$ODOO_BRANCH-dev \ -- \ --test-enable \ --workers=0 \ --stop-after-init -d $DATABASE_NAME \ -i $MODULE