Tour Definition

8.0, 9.0


    id: 'mails_count_tour',
    name: _t("Mails count Tour"),
    mode: 'test',
    path: '/web#id=3&model=res.partner',
    steps: [
            title:     _t("Mails count tutorial"),
            content:   _t("Let's see how mails count work."),
            popover:   { next: _t("Start Tutorial"), end: _t("Skip") },
            title:     _t("New fields"),
            content:   _t("Here is new fields with mails counters. Press one of it."),
            element:   '.mails_to',
            waitNot:   '.mails_to:visible',
            title:     _t("Send message from here"),
            placement: 'left',
            content:   _t("Now you can see corresponding mails. You can send mail to this partner right from here. Press <em>'Send a mesage'</em>."),
            element:   '.oe_mail_wall .oe_msg.oe_msg_composer_compact>div>.oe_compose_post',


In odoo 8 tour defines this way:

(function () {
'use strict';
var _t = openerp._t;
openerp.Tour.register({ ...

In odoo 9 tour defines that way:

odoo.define('account.tour_bank_statement_reconciliation', function(require) {
'use strict';
var core = require('web.core');
var Tour = require('web.Tour');
var _t = core._t;
Tour.register({ ...

Important details:

  • id - need to call this tour

  • path - from this path tour will be started in test mode


Next step occurs when all conditions are satisfied and popup window will appear near (chose position in placement) element specified in element. Element must contain css selector of corresponding node. Conditions may be:

  • waitFor - this step will not start if waitFor node absent.

  • waitNot - this step will not start if waitNot node exists.

  • wait - just wait some amount of milliseconds before next step.

  • element - similar to waitFor, but element must be visible

  • closed window - if popup window have close button it must be closed before next step.

Opened popup window (from previous step) will close automatically and new window (next step) will be shown.

Inject JS Tour file on page:

<template id="res_partner_mails_count_assets_backend" name="res_partner_mails_count_assets_backend" inherit_id="web.assets_backend">
    <xpath expr="." position="inside">
        <script src="/res_partner_mails_count/static/src/js/res_partner_mails_count_tour.js" type="text/javascript"></script>